Online Courses

Practical and dynamical courses available 24 hours a day.

Our best courses for you to study whenever you want

With our practical simulation modules, you set your own learning pace. Coursework is available 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. International certification is available for each completed module. Materials are explained by specialists with experience in the applications. Information is taught in your language in an objective way.

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Advantages of learning with ESSS Institute

Study wherever and whenever you want
Networking with engineering professionals
Courses developed by experts
Certificate with international validity


Luis Hernán Rodríguez Cisterna

Researcher and Engineer

UFSC Heat Pipe Laboratory – LABTUCAL

“The objective of the courses was to enable our staff – researchers, doctoral students, and master’s students – to use ANSYS Mechanical and nCode, aiming at the structural numerical simulations of diffusion-welded compact heat exchangers, in the context of a cooperation agreement between UFSC Heat Pipe Laboratory – LABTUCAL and Petrobras. The training considerably reduced the learning time, not only in numerical tools but also in the main concepts involving this type of analysis. Highly qualified teachers were able to apply concepts directly to the physical problem of our application, making understanding and contextualization easier. From the first contact for the course until the certificate delivery, ESSS experts were great, undoubtedly the great differential of the company.”


Carlos Rogério Jahn


SENAI Institute of Innovation in Manufacturing and Laser Systems

“The idea proposed by ESSS was to help our team understand specific applications in equipment operation. The objective was the optimization of its construction, aiming at improvements in manufacturing, assembly, and costs. Industrial equipment has many built-in physics, and an engineering team doesn’t always have experts in all areas. In this case, the dedicated ESSS course was of great help to our company, supplying knowledge that we did not contemplate at that time. The proposal and joint work with ESSS filled in the team’s technical gaps. During the process, we checked if any physics could have a bigger impact than others, aiming at an optimal final result. The result was a complete understanding of all the equipment’s physics.”

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